Connectivity with Iain Duncan

Dr Duncan and Nicholas Ingold have worked tirelessly to setup and develop a high quality Tc-PSMA scan for prostate carcinoma detection and staging. As with bone scans (see below) they have gone beyond standard SPECT/CT reconstruction algorithms to produce outstanding results, which have been published in The Prostate 2023;1‐10. doi:10.1002/pros.24538

Dr Duncan’s work shows xSPECT/CT Bone reconstruction offers identifiable imaging improvements over standard SPECT/CT reconstruction algorithms. These links tell you more…

Quantitative bone imaging remains a ground breaking improvement in conventional bone imaging as shown in this poster from the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology in 2018.

Carpal Tunnel Ultrasound: This paper has been cited more than 320 times in as a landmark paper…

Some classics: