Connectivity with Iain Duncan

The following patient booklets and information are pdf files for my patients (and others) that are free to download for your personal use:

Information about musculoskeletal problems and injection therapy

Information about musculoskeletal problems and injection therapy

  1. About Myocardial (heart) scans
  2. Ankle Anatomy
  3. Elbow Anatomy
  4. Hip Anatomy
  5. Knee Anatomy
  6. Shoulder Anatomy
  7. Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  8. Medial epicondylitis (Golfer’s elbow)
  9. Achilles Tendinopathy
  10. Plantar fasciitis
  11. Morton’s Neuroma and intermetatarsal bursitis
  12. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  13. Posterior tibial tendon problems (progressive flat feet).
  14. Peroneal tendon problems and tears
  15. Patellar tendonitis
  16. Trochanteric bursitis and lateral hip pain
  17. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder
  18. Calcific tendinitis of the shoulder
  19. Rotator cuff Syndrome and shoulder impingement
  20. Quadrilateral Space Syndrome of the shoulder
  21. de Quervains tensoynovitis (wrist)
  22. Trigger fingers and thumbs
  23. Ganglions and mucus cysts of the fingers
  24. Stress fractures and shin splints

The following information booklets are about therapy and injection treatment:

  1. Hyaluronic acid & viscosupplementation injections for osteoarthritis
     (durolane, synvisc, etc)
  2. TENS for pain relief
  3. PRP (platelet rich plasma) Injections: General information for tendon and joint healing
  4. PRP Injection pre and post care information
  5. Carpal Tunnel Injections

These are exercises that we recommend for specific problems:

These are recommended links with helpful information

  • Further useful patient information on this website can be found in the USING OUR SERVICES MENU and more information about injections here.