Connectivity with Iain Duncan

Knee Osteoarthritis

Adam, P., Renevier, J. L., & Marc, J.-F. (2018). A novel treatment of knee degenerative disorders all-in-one intra-articular injection of platelet-rich plasma combined with hyaluronic acid. International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, 13, 280–288.

Barac, B., Damjanov, N., & Zekovic, A. (2018). The new treatment approach in knee osteoarthritis: Efficacy of cellular matrix combination of platelet rich plasma with hyaluronic acid versus two different types of hyaluronic acid (HA). International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, 13, 289–295.

Jacob, G., Shetty, V., & Shetty, S. (2017). A study assessing intra-articular PRP vs PRP with HMW HA vs PRP with LMW HA in early knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery, 4(2), 65–71.

Renevier J, Marc J, Adam P et al. Cellular matrix™ PRP-HA”: A new treatment option with platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid for patients with osteoarthritis having had an unsatisfactory clinical response to hyaluronic acid alone: Results of a pilot, multicenter French study with long-term follow-up. International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology (2018) Volume 13, Issue 4.

Shoulder and rotator cuff

Cai, Y., Sun, Z., Liao, B., Song, Z., Xiao, T., & Zhu, P. (2019). Sodium Hyaluronate and Platelet-Rich Plasma for Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 51(2), 227–233.