Connectivity with Iain Duncan

Who is he?

Dr Iain Duncan is a Diagnostic Imaging Physician with qualifications and experience in several fields.  Iain’s mixed background has led him to an important intersection between diagnostic imaging and clinical medicine. In particular he has developed a focus on musculoskeletal medicine that he can approach from multiple perspectives. He is able to assess patients clinically and/or using one of […]


Dr Iain Duncan is a founder of Garran Medical Imaging (GMI) and has been a leader in Canberra ultrasound and nuclear medicine for more than 20 years. He has an unrelenting  passion to improve patient outcomes through the proactive response to clinical problems and direct relationships with other clinicians. Iain continually introduces new technology, provides […]

Dr Iain Duncan at his desk

Referrals required

If you are a patient wishing to access services under Medicare you will need to have a referral from a general practitioner. For a diagnostic imaging service this is a referral asking for a specific test or scan. It does not need to be specific for a particular location or service provider. If  a consultation service with […]

Nuclear Medicine Canberra

Contact or visit us

Call Garran Medical Imaging on 02 62257070 or click HERE to request an appointment or make an inquiry