Connectivity with Iain Duncan


The Clinical Impact of SPECT scanning in Nuclear Medicine Practice. Iain  Duncan & Barry  Flynn, Canberra , ACT, Australia, 2009. Objective:To prospectively evaluate the clinical value of single photon emission tomography-CT nuclear scanning (SPECT-CT) in private nuclear medicine practice. Methods: All (consecutive) patients attending a single practice between August and November 2009 were included. The […]



Tendinopathy is a term used for painful conditions occurring in and around tendons in response to injury and/or overuse and ageing. The natural course of symptoms is variable but most ultimately resolve (even if the tendon appearance on scans does not). Generally the length of symptoms varies according to age and severity.  A recent study suggested the median length of symptoms was 14 months. The incidence of symptoms in sedentary people is highest in middle age though at particular sites (lateral hips and shoulders) the incidence is greater with increasing age.

Achilles tendon swelling with micro-vascular change


Ultrasound can confirm or rule out the diagnosis but the presence of tendinopathy on ultrasound does not necessarily indicate whether it is the cause of your symptoms.  The relationship between symptoms and the scan findings is determined by a clinician who combines the clinical history, examination findings, and all test and scan results. The incidence of asymptomatic tendinopathy also increases with age (i.e. many patients have scan findings of tendinopathy but no real symptoms).

A (well performed) ultrasound or MRI scan will determine whether there are significant tendon tears, inflammation, bursitis, or other nearby soft tissue pathology. It can broadly categorise the type of tendinopathy which usually helps in determining treatment options.


How effective is Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel injection?

The following study was conducted in 2003 by Dr. Iain Duncan.  The information is relevant to Doctors referring patients to me suffering from Carpal tunnel syndrome.  Patients should note that this information is research only and technical in nature. This information should be used in consultation with your treating physician and may only be relevant in certain medical situations.


Garran Medical Imaging

How to book

Most of the time you will have a referral for a diagnostic imaging service from your local doctor.  You can find out how to contact us by  clicking here. The staff will make a booking, give you further instructions and answer your questions. There are experienced professional staff to guide you through the scanning process […]

Frequently asked questions

We have compiled some links may be helpful if you have been referred for a scan. What is Diagnostic Imaging? What is nuclear medicine?  This is quick summary What is nuclear medicine?  This is the more comprehensive answer from Wikipedia How safe is nuclear medicine? What is diagnostic ultrasound? Consumer Information about Diagnostic Imaging What is a Myocardial Perfusion […]

For Doctors

Iain hopes to provide you with a cutting edge, experienced and personalised approach to medical imaging.

Iain thrives on practicing within an increasingly complex diagnostic imaging framework  by supervising and reporting ultrasound and nuclear medicine and working closely with a team of radiologists, sonographers, nuclear technologists, and administrative staff to bring you a quality comprehensive and clinically orientated diagnostic service. Iain also has great clinical experience in musculoskeletal medicine and can help you manage your patients.


For Patients

This website hopes to provide you with some useful information about Dr Duncan and about the medical areas he works in. Please explore the site or click on one of the links below. 

